I’m feeling philosophical this week (I blame Justin Kownacki and Mike Friedrich). So I want to pose a question to my tens of, ten readers. Let’s say in the next 125 years we were
able to colonize the Mars. It is a dangerous mission, so we don’t
send the A-list of humanity. Instead we send the dreamers, adventurers and
those looking for a fresh start.
My question to you is this, how long until this social experiment breeds
a “New America”? Let me clarify what I
mean by the term “new America”. I’m not suggesting that Mars would end up just
being an addition to the United States. It may start that way, but what I’m
suggesting is that in the end it becomes a complete retelling of our
countries birth, with the role of Great Britain being played by the United
States and the role of revolutionists being played by Mars colonists.

Imagine it, the red planet 2138; the last of the settlers
arrive on the last ship, the Bransonita. It has been a long journey; provisions
nearly ran out since they had navigated around an errant band of meteorites.
The settlers are exhausted but excited; this is their new start, a new
beginning. No longer will they be subject to the limited opportunities of
earth. Here they will be free to live away from a society that subjects them to
ideals which they don’t agree with. On Mars they will no longer be subject to
the endless stream of corporate commercials that pass off as culture. On Mars they
have no need to worry about student loans, finding a safe place to live, and
electing leaders that no longer represent them. This is the new world! Fast
forward another 25 years and the Mars settlers have organized and began to have
a thriving community. The first generation
of Martians has been born and they are quickly spreading across the planet. Of
course, this colony is still part of the United States and their citizens are
protected and in some cases supported by their earthly motherland. However, their
home planet ties are dwindling; the people of Mars have perfected hydroponics
and have almost created a complete self-sufficient ecosystem which makes the
need of constant supplies and visitors from earth less necessary. In fact they are
down to one supply ship a quarter, until they discovered “element X”. Element X
is a new type of construction material for microchips. It conducts electricity
perfectly with zero impedance at room temperature. This means that all power
can be used to its utmost efficiency. This new element has the potential to
revolutionize all technology and mankind with it, the only catch is that it can
only be found on Mars.
Suddenly there is a surge of immigrants to Mars, every one
of them looking for ways to cash in on this new “gold rush”. Of course now the
governments of Earth are paying close attention to the Red Planet. What started
as a frontier adventure has turned into a financial boom for every Martian. You
see, for the first 50 years of the Mars colonization they believed that there
were limited resources on Mars and thus little value to the planet. So, the
United States allowed people willing to travel to Mars to claim or purchase land,
which includes mineral rights to that land. Aside from a few entrepreneurs who
bought huge plots of land for entertainment purposes, most of the land was
bought by frontiersmen who accepted it as pay for work and services. These are
the citizens who moved to Mars to escape the less desirable parts of earthly
living. They came to Mars for adventure or to start new churches, new cultures,
and a new way of life. They took a leap of faith and now this leap made them rich.
These Martians now have a pride for their new planet, its culture and people.
It’s this pride that makes them want to form a new country and of course you
know, this means war.
What qualifies me to think any of this might happen?
Nothing, I’m not qualified in any way, shape or form. My only justification is
that we, people, humans are very predictable. Throughout history we have cycled
through the rise and fall of many empires. So, in short, America isn’t that special.
Maybe that’s going a bit too far…we are just as special as Greece, Rome, Persia,
Egypt, and every other empire that has ever existed. However, to think us
unique is a stretch. We weren’t the first and we won’t be the last and what
better place for the “next America” to be born then on another planet. Its
history and we never learn from it, so we often repeat it. By the way, this
would make an awesome tv series or book. I would write it, but I’m too busy
making money to buy an acre of red dust.