Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Your opinion doesn't make you stupid, your Bumper Sticker does.

I consider myself a fairly even tempered person. I would rather go with the flow than rail against it. However, there are two seemingly harmless things that make me want to rage into a blind fury.
  • Whistling in the work place
  • Bumper Stickers
If you feel the need to whistle while walking down the hallway in a full office, then I feel the need to tackle you into the copier. Seriously, who thinks that their talent at whistling qualifies them as entertainment for the rest of us? When is the last time you downloaded a really awesome compliation of whistlers on your ipod? Never, that's when.

When it comes to bumper stickers, I fail to see the logic. What opinion is so valuable and permanent that you feel the need to express it in the form of a "car tattoo"? For instance, "My child is a Middle School Honor Student". That may be, but their parent is an idiot. You are defacing your car for something that changes on a yearly basis. So your kid can read and do basic math, congratulations. Also, I don't care what airports you have been at or that you vacationed in the Outter Banks (OBX). If your marathon time is that fantastic, why are you driving anywhere? That stick figure drawing of your family doesn't change the fact that your husband is nailing his secretary and I'm not exactly sure what Jesus would do, but I'm guessing he'd start by telling you to get your slow moving ass into the right lane.  This brings me to political bumper stickers; why would anyone deface a high valued commidity like a car with a topic that, by rights, should take more than four words to explain properly? For instance "I refuse to believe the Liberal Media", ok, be more specific. The typical definition of "media" is "the means of communication that reach large numbers of people, such as television, newspapers, and radio". So, with that in mind, what do you mean? Is all "Media" liberal? You define it as "the Liberal Media", is the word "liberal" an adjective that modifies "media" or is "Liberal Media" the entire noun that would be defined as "liberal leaning media outlets"? As the catepillar once told Alice, "Say what you mean and mean what you say". If you are willing to lower the value of something that you make payments on with paper and adhesive, I do not trust your four-word-views on the financial health of our country. If you want to flip off other people's eyes with your semi-literate ramblings, do what I do, get a blog.

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